News: Edinburgh Conference Explores the Role of Hydrogen in the Ports and Maritime Sectors

As part of the Maritime UK Week, the North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Community (NS HyMaP) has organised a Conference looking at the role of hydrogen in the decarbonisation of the ports and maritime sectors. The “Hydrogen Strategies andCo-operation in the North Sea Region” Conference will concentrate on the maritime dimension. It will be held in an excellent Conference Centre close to the Haymarket mainline rail station and on the bus and tram routes from Edinburgh Airport.
Jon Jordan, Secretary of NS HyMaP said that “Hydrogen has a key role to play in energy transition especially in the maritime and ports sector. Ports are often situated near renewable energy resources that can be converted into green hydrogen and used in industrial clusters. The maritime sector will need to adopt zero emission fuels like green hydrogen if it is to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions.”
We have an excellent list of speakers from across the North Sea Region. The Conference will look at national hydrogen strategies across the Region and examine the United Kingdom and Scotland in some detail before turning to the maritime dimension by, first of all, looking at the influence of the German hydrogen strategy on maritime activities. The Conference also explains the role of hydrogen in maritime activities in the United Kingdom and examines some successful projects from the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition.
International co-operation features strongly on the Agenda with the Esbjerg Declaration and the UK Government’s Clydebank Declaration featuring in presentations. In addition, the growing interest of the role of Hydrogen in Ports is being developed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership in Brussels. It has commissioned a Report on the potential for hydrogen in ports and in coastal areas. The Study goes beyond the EU 27 to include the United Kingdom and Norway. There has been growing co-operation between Scotland and Germany and this co-operation is featured at the Conference as a case study with views both from Scotland and Hamburg who have signed a Joint Agreement to promote hydrogen research and innovation.
The Conference fee is £75 for NS HyMaP and Maritime UK Members and there is an Early Bird Rate of £110 for Non-Members. The Early Bird Rate lasts until this Friday, 30 September. For further details and a Booking Form, please go to the European Policy Solutions website (www.europeanpolicysolutions.xom ) and click on the seminars button.
Jon Jordan can be contacted on 0776 476 4773 or