Mental Health in Maritime Network
Our Mental Health Network was launched in May 2020 as part of the Diversity in Maritime programme.
Aims of the Network
- To provide a collaborative platform to share information among all organisations, in support of aiding others to achieve and develop mental health management practices by: engaging, connecting and collaborating with organisations who have developed Mental Health and Suicide Prevention strategies for the UK maritime sector; bench-marking current training provisions and; providing bench-marking tools for the maritime sector against mental health standards.
- To gather and share case studies profiling maritime organisations best practice guides and policies to assist and improve mental health across the sector including, but not limited, to: time to speak and toolkits for bringing crews together onboard.
- To provide individuals working in the maritime sector and companies with relevant information about mental health resources, best practice guides and toolkits including, but not limited to: creating a mentally healthy workplace; treating people well and; creating a safe space.
Our Holistic Approach and Culture of Care initiatives are aligned to the Thriving at Work standards. You can find out more about our initiatives below.