May 2023 Update
Consultation Group 1 – Education, Policy & Technical and sub-groups, 1.2 Modernisation of Curriculum and examination and Sub-group 1.3: Career Pathways
Consultation Group 1 is tasked with reforming and modernising the syllabuses, training, and assessment for seagoing qualifications for Nautical, Engineering and Electro-Technical qualifications of all grades. The group is also tasked with exploring other maritime qualifications which can be offered to new entrants as an option along with the seafaring qualifications and the subsequent career paths available.
Sub-group 1.2 has now completed the review of the syllabuses across all syllabuses and conducted an industry wide consultation to gather thoughts of the wider industry on what they feel should be added, removed, or amended in the Cadetship syllabuses to ensure that training is relevant, future proof and meets industry needs. The final deadline for feedback on the final template is 29 May 2023.
Sub-group 1.3 was established in August 2022 and has been focussed on preparing for and procuring consultation services to enable the mapping of career pathways and qualifications within the maritime industry. The tendering process for this consultation has recently closed and details of the contract will be announced soon. Upon award, the consultants will engage with stakeholders from around the industry to create an accurate career map. Multiple stakeholders have already been identified to represent their area of industry, however, if you would like to be involved, please contact
Consultation Group 2 – Funding and 2.1 Interim Funding
Following the consultation process, undertaken by Augmentas in the summer of 2022, the MCA published MIN 678 (M) Enhancement to the Current Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) Fund and Additional Support for Junior Officers.
This MIN details a new, simplified mechanism to assist industry, increase UK Cadet numbers and improve the financial support available for UK Junior Officers to help them obtain their first Management level (unlimited) Certificate of Competency (CoC). In addition, the MCA aims to make funds available for those UK Junior Officers who have already gained an Operational level (unlimited) CoC but are not currently able to benefit from the SMarT scheme to assist them in qualifying for a Management level (unlimited) CoC and progress within the industry.
Sub-group 2.1 has since been disbanded owing to the completion of their work.
Consultation Group 2 remains in place but is currently postponed.
Consultation Group 4 - Communications
A communications group, reporting to the Programme Board, was set up to plan and manage the communications output both proactive and reactive in relation to the CT&M programme.
The group supports the wider work of the individual consultation groups, including survey and campaign design.
In addition, this group has been working on a project brief to procure a consultancy to complete discovery work for a National Awareness Campaign. This brief is in the final stages of approval and will be proposed to the Maritime Educational Foundation soon in an attempt to gain funding for the work.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the programme, via the following enquiries address