October 2023 Update
Consultation Group 1 – Education, Policy & Technical and sub-groups, 1.2 Modernisation of Curriculum and examination and Sub-group 1.3: Career Pathways
Consultation Group 1 is tasked with reforming and modernising the syllabuses, training, and assessment for seagoing qualifications for Nautical, Engineering and Electro-Technical qualifications of all grades. The group is also tasked with exploring other maritime qualifications which can be offered to new entrants as an option along with the seafaring qualifications and the subsequent career paths available.
Sub-group 1.2 is actively working on conversion of module templates into academic guidance documents. Mid November 2023 Academic guidance documents will be passed to Nautical colleges to develop new cadet programmes. Next step for the group will be to review training record book tasks as well as undertake review of assessment-to be completed by March 2024.
Sub-group 1.3 Consultency-Journey4 Ltd suggested splitting delivery of Career Pathways into 3 phases:
Phase 1, A final Career Map with agreed gaps and report, Delivered 27 of October
Phase 2, Fill in gaps and confirm descriptor through a “call for evidence”
Phase 3, Deliver an interactive online version at a date to be decided
The Maritime Skills Commission (MSC) have funded research to examine the behaviours, interpersonal skills and competencies required to improve recruitment, retention, and the identification of transferable skills within the maritime industry.Journey4 have been linked in with this work via Maritime UK to ensure that there is no duplication and findings from each piece of work can be shared.
Consultation Group 2 – Funding
Consultation Group 2 remains in place but is currently postponed.
Consultation Group 4 - Communications
This group continues to support the wider work of the individual consultation groups, including survey and campaign design.
Communication Group had prepared new user-friendly landing page for MUK website. Press statement had been released about Cadet welfare support group. Communication plan to support CG1 had been developed for the end of syllabus review and Phase 1 of Career Map.
Group has finalised a project brief to procure a consultancy to complete discovery work for a National Awareness Campaign. This brief has been escalated to the Oversight Committee for approval and direction on the next steps to procure funding.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the programme, via the following email ctandm.enquiries@mcga.gov.uk